PermaModule Project
The “Undergraduate University Module in Permaculture: Creating new synergies between higher education and professionals to promote sustainable systems” project – in short, PermaModule – is an Erasmus+ project under key action 2 (“Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices”) which SAFE proudly coordinates since September 2019.
The project also involves four partner universities:
- the University of Liège-Gembloux AgroBioTech (Belgium);
- the University of Malta (Malta);
- the University of Catania (Italy);
- the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (Romania)
and two permaculture associations:
- the Accademia Italiana di Permacultura (Italy)
- the Institutul de Cercetare in Permacultura din Romania (Romania)
We design an undergraduate module which will involve both university researchers/teachers and professionals in permaculture.
The module is built around 3 main outputs:
- a curriculum, including its teaching methodology, several intensive study programmes in permaculture;
- a student handbook to support lectures and on-field work from students;
- an online platform.
Meet us on our platform ! Visit for more information.
To find out more about the project, head over to SAFE’s PermaModule Webinars available below: