Petition to ban aspartane hits 230,000 signatures

11 February 2025

Aspartane (E951) is an additive used by the food industry as a sweetener in foods and drinks, to replace sugar. It is often falsely claimed to have a lower or neutral impact on obesity, as opposed to sugar. Now the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), linked to the World Health Organization (WHO) has ranked aspartane as a potential carcinogen and a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Following this assessment, Yuka, FoodWatch and Ligue Contre le Cancer have written a petition with over 230,000 signatures asking for a ban of aspartane in food and drinks in the EU. The petition is addressed to the European Commission and to the relevant ministers of 9 Member States.

SAFE endorses this petition and urges all European institutions to amend EU legislation accordingly, as quickly as possible.