Nutritional labelling, SAFE publishes a document on smartphone applications

27 May 2024

SAFE has produced a document on various smartphone applications designed to help understand nutritional labels.

Nutritional labelling is very helpful for consumers and citizens, enabling them to make informed purchasing decisions. However, understanding these labels can sometimes be challenging. Recently, several smartphone applications have been developed to assist consumers and citizens in interpreting this information.

SAFE Food Advocacy Europe is pleased to present a concise overview of the rise of these applications. This study examines the algorithms behind these applications, the information they provide, their popularity and usage, and whether the information is accessible for free or for a fee.

This overview shows that European consumers, by downloading these applications, are expressing a need for additional information. This need should be considered by the European Commission in its next legislative proposal on simplified nutritional information systems. Doing so will help to better understand the actual needs of European citizens and support the fight against metabolic and non-communicable diseases.