NGT, SAFE’s reaction to the proposed Regulation on plants obtained by certain genomic techniques
07 November 2023
The European Commission adopted a package of measures within the Farm to Fork Strategy, including a Regulation proposal on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques (NGTs) and their food and feed.
After carefully reviewing the proposed Regulation, SAFE strongly believes that the text may mislead European consumers about the presence of GMOs in their food. We are also concerned that the authorisation procedures for the release of the new NGT1 and NGT2 plants are flawed and pose risks to the environment and human health. These concerns are expressed in a position paper published by SAFE.
Several scientific studies, including those conducted by national research centers in Member States, cast doubt on the equivalence between NGT crops and those derived through non-GM techniques. The fundamental premise of the Regulation, based on the equivalence of these plants, requires a thorough reevaluation.
Moreover, the introduction of new terminologies like ‘New Genomic Techniques (NGTs)’ appears to obfuscate the fact that these techniques still fall under the category of GMO, as defined by both European case law and international standards. This further confuses consumers.
SAFE contends that the utilisation of these techniques is not aligned with the principles of the Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy. Consequently, streamlined risk assessment procedures should not be granted for these new crops.
Read our full position paper here.