Greenpeace’s report on certification schemes criticised as attacks on palm oil

18 March 2021

The recently published report “Destruction: Certified” by Greenpeace claims that many certification schemes, covering cocoa, coffee, biofuels, palm oil, soy, and wood, enable “destructive business to continue as usual”. The NGO concludes that “certification is a weak tool to address global forest and ecosystem destruction”.

However, palm oil advocates considered the report as an attack on palm oil and palm oil certification, accusing Greenpeace for using palm oil as “cannon fodder”. Palm Oil Monitor, a pro-palm oil platform” pointed out that Greenpeace mentioned palm oil almost twice as often as soybean, and more than four times as often as wood in the report, while the deforestation footprint of palm oil is only a half that of soybean. They also highlighted a lack of criticism on other sectors associated with deforestation.

Read the full story here.