Global warming is impacting key crops, scientists say

16 October 2023

Coffee, cocoa, beer are suffering the consequences of global warming. Scientists have issued dire warnings about the impact of human-induced global warming on key crops.

Erratic rainfall patterns and extreme heat have led to a decline in pollinator populations, causing a decrease in coffee and cocoa production. Additionally, adverse weather conditions are harming beer production, potentially resulting in a less vibrant taste and aroma due to reduced hop quality. On the bright side, wines have temporarily become more robust.

Several years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) alerted to the consequences of unsustainable energy practices and unequal land use, raising global temperatures by 1.1°C above pre-industrial levels. This has had a profound effect on food and water security, as well as the quality of various indulgent products, including beer, wine, coffee, cocoa, and other culinary delights.

Hot and dry summers are predicted to compromise both the quality and quantity of beer production, resulting in a less flavorful brew. A recent study published in Nature Communications attributes this to the dwindling yield and quality of hops (Humulus lupulus).