SAFE’s participation in the 2020 FilmDiPeso Short Film Festival
18 September 2020
SAFE joins the 4th international Short film festival FilmDiPeso
SAFE participated in the 4th edition of the Shortfilm Festival FilmdiPeso to present the TAO “Tackling Adolescent Obesity” Erasmus+ Project. The festival, which took place on September 18 and 19, 2020 in Rome, gathered artists from all over the world, using cinema as a tool to educate about food-related issues. This year, the best film award went to “T-Gros”, directed by French director Gautier Blazewick. The autobiographic story tackled the issue of weight-related bullying in high school. The director notably highlighted the importance of family support and friends to help overweight adolescents to integrate into society. Also, the film underlined the importance of teachers to avoid self-isolation on teenagers-end.
This year, the festival has included a high-level conference organised by the University of Sapienza, where experts from different background (doctors, psychologists, surgeons and PhD researchers) met to discuss latest developments of obesity in Europe, worsened by the current COVID-19 pandemic. SAFE has presented its TAO “Tackling Adolescent Obesity” Erasmus+ project to the panel of experts, gathering consistent support for the initiative.

What is FilmDiPeso?
The Festival’s mission is to spread the social, psychological, and interpersonal impact of obesity and eating disorders on adolescents and adults. The Festival aims to present stories and documentaries that address the complexity of the issues outlined in the mission of our European project “Tackling Adolescent Obesity”.
This Festival is organized by the Department of Medico-Surgical Sciences and Biotechnologies of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Medicine and the Bariatric Center of Excellence – Sapienza University of Rome – Polo Pontino, in partnership with the City of Latina and the non-profit organization Amici Obesi, Villa Miralago Eating Behavior Health Center. The formal acknowledgment and recognition of obesity and eating disorders as diseases allows not only to approach new treatment opportunities but also to dismantle prejudices and misconceptions. The Short Film Festival aims to provide a fresh broader look at food and nutrition, at correct information and at improving quality of life.