EU Food Safety Regulation: Putting Consumers First” Conference 2017
21 March 2017
On March 21st, 2017, SAFE held its annual conference entitled “EU Food Safety Regulation: Putting Consumers First” The in-person conference, held in Mundo-B, aimed to increase consumers’ protection by presenting an overview of current regulatory issues at the time.
Such issues notably included acrylamide regulation and human exposure to the substance, gaps in EU food safety laws: trans fats, acrylamide and nanomaterials, endocrine disruptors, and public health regulation beyond the internal market.
Panelists included:
- Floriana Cimmarusti (Secretary General, SAFE)
- Frans Verstraete (Directorate General for Health and Food Safety Unit E2: Food Processing Technologies and Novel Food, European Commission)
- Nusa Urbancic (Campaigns Director, Changing Markets)
- Mr Koning (Senior Coach & Facilitator, DesignThinkersAcademy, The Netherlands)
- Camille Perrin (Senior Food Policy Officer, BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation)
- Vito Buonsante (Law & Policy Advisor, Chemicals & Biodiversity Client Earth)
- Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis (Health and Food Safety Commissioner, European Commission)
- Alexandra Nikolakopoulou (Head of Unit E1: Food Information and Composition, Food Waste, European Commission)
The conference was attended by Commissioner Andriukaitis, MEPs and their assistants, representatives from national permanent representations, heads of units from the European Commission, as well as civil society policy officers.