Permaculture Open House Days 2018-2019
01 August 2019
Permaculture is a holistic approach recreating the complexity of an ecosystem while removing motorization from crops and gathering several plant varieties with complementary properties in the smallest possible area. Permaculture reduces the pressure of farming activities on lands and increases fertility, reinforcing sustainability in farming and food production, eliminating chemical input to recreate biodiversity and reducing fossil fuels.
The overall objective of SAFE’s action is to increase the knowledge and use of the permaculture approach in order to contribute to the development of a more environmentally and climate-friendly agricultural system.
As regards advocacy, SAFE is actively building a network of associations active in the field of permaculture, to coordinate and elaborate a common lobbying strategy at EU level. As regards awareness-raising, SAFE has organised, in collaboration with local partners, Open House Days in permaculture farms in four EU countries. During these events, farmers gather to be trained on permaculture farming and consumers get to see real, functioning permaculture structures.
SAFE Awareness-Raising Campaign in the field of Sustainable Agriculture (2018-2019)

Open Days in Malta (12 -15 November 2019)
SAFE’s Maltese partner, the Centre for Environmental Education and Research of the University of Malta organized Open days between 12 November and 15 November 2019.

On 12 November, a first event for young individuals (adolescents) was organized in a permaculture farm at the Veg Box in collaboration with Aġenzija Żgħażagħ (a government agency established to promote the interests of young people and to provide assistance to youth organisations) in Triq in-Nahhalija (Manikata). After a tour of the site, 17 attendees were introduced to permaculture and vermiculture.
On the same day, a workshop entitled “Understanding the social and community elements of Permaculture” took place at the Veg Box (in collaboration with Conscious Ageing-Hekate Foundation).
Finally, on 15 November, an Open visit was organized at the Franciscan Garden of the Santa Marija ta’ Gesù’ Patrijiet Frangiskani Triq San Pawl Ir-Rabat convent and hosted approximately 53 persons.
Open Day at Tenuta San Cassiano – Open House Day (13 October 2019)

SAFE’s Italian member ‘Accademia Italiana di Permacultura‘ organized an Open House Day in Tenuta San Cassiano (Fabriano) on 13 October 2019. The Open House Day was organized at the same time as the closing day of the General Assembly of the Accademia Italiana di Permacultura, in collaboration with region Marche. The OHD included 6 workshops: 4 theoretical workshops and 2 theoretical-practical workshops. Around 250 persons participated to the OHD, including around 30 children and delegates from local associations promoting sustainable practices.
Open Day at Les Ateliers Mellifères in Waterloo – Open House Day (10 August 2019)

SAFE’s Belgian partner ‘Les Ateliers Mellifères‘ organized an Open House Day in Waterloo (Belgium) on Saturday 10 August 2019. This event combined a workshop on homemade vegetable tins and guided tours ofa permaculture garden with explanations on apiculture in permaculture, the use of ponds in permaculture and vegetable gardens in permaculture.
The Open House Day took place in the Permaculture Garden of SAFE’s expert partner Régis Close in Waterloo (Rue Saint-Germain 71 – 1410 Waterloo). Partners such as PermaWET, Natagora, Les Portes du Radis, Le Potager de la Maraîche, la Popote held information stands for the general public.
Open Day in Abbasanta (Sardegna) – Open House Day (14 October 2018)

SAFE’s Italian partner ‘Accademia Italiana di Permacultura‘ organized an Open Day event at the Campo scout San Martino in Abbasanta, Sardegna on 14 October 2018.
Throughout the day, several workshops, training sessions and practical demonstrations took place, to introduce attendees to the practices and ideas of permaculture.
Permaculture Urban Gardens in Bucharest – Open House Day (23 September 2018)

SAFE’s Romanian partner ‘Institutul de Cercetare in Permacultura din Romania‘ organized an Open House Day at Gradinescu (Gradina Comunitara din Bucurestii Noi) in Bucharest on September 23, 2018. Several workshops and training sessions for farmers (including practical aspects) about permaculture were organized, followed by a visit of the Urban Garden of Bucurestii Noi to illustrate the lectures.
Fair AGRA in Gornja Radgona – Open House Day (26 August 2018)

SAFE’s Slovenian partner ‘Drustvo za Permakulturo Slovenije‘ organized an Open House Day at the International Agricultural Food Fair AGRA Fair in Gornja Radgona on August 26, 2018. This event took place during a 6-day exhibition in a farm dedicated to permaculture, presenting permaculture to the public. Several workshops and trainings were scheduled:
• First lecture (10:00 – 11:00): Introduction
General information about permaculture and regenerative farming.
Lecturer: Primož Turnšek and Aljaž Plankl
• Second lecture (11:00 -12:00): Permaculture and animals
How to raise animals in environmentally friendly and animal friendly way Lecturer: Primož Krišelj, permaculture farmer (
• Third lecture (14:00 – 15:00): No-till farming
How to grow grains and other field crops without soil tilling?
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Rok Mihelič – Biotechnical Faculty of Ljubljana
• Fourth lecture (15:00 .16:00):
How to organically and efficiently grow vegetables on a small farm?
Lecturer: Peter Studen, permaculture farmer (
All important farming practices (grain production, animal production, vegetable production) were covered by the lecturers. They had the opportunity to present efficient ecological alternatives related to permaculture. The lecturers also described their practical experiences as farmers and their ways of selling produce to consumers.
Portes ouvertes PermaWET-Eglise – Open House Day (21 July 2018)

SAFE’s Belgian partner ‘Waterloo En Transition‘ organized an Open House Day in Waterloo (Belgium) on July 21, 2018. This event combined an open farm tour presenting permaculture to the public and a training on permaculture for farmers by Professional Cultivator Renaud Castiaux (Les Portes du Radis). Participants discovered many different workshops:
- The Use of composting in permaculture
- Apiculture in permaculture
- The Use of ponds in permaculture
- Vegetable gardens in permaculture
The Open House Day took place in the Espace citoyen de transmission de savoir-faire en permaculture (Rue de l’Église 56 – 1410 Waterloo) on Saturday 21 July from 10.00 to 16.00.