Grow Green Conference 2021
11 June 2021
A two-day conference to explore the role of plant-based and organic farming in building a sustainable future
In light of the current environmental and climate crisis, steps towards a transition to more sustainable forms of agriculture and food production need to be taken. A shift away from animal agriculture towards plant-based farming is one of the solutions.
So, how can we help farmers to adopt more sustainable practices? How can we encourage the development and implementation of policies favouring better solutions, such as plant-based organic farming? How can we share best practices and know-how on forms of agriculture that will help meet climate targets? And how can farmers economically sustain such a way of producing food?
The Grow Green conference brought together EU policymakers (MEPs, European Union government representatives, EU Institution representatives), think tanks and NGOs, agricultural organizations, farmers and growers, sustainability professionals, food trade industry representatives, retailers and more to discuss these questions.
The conference aims to:
- Increase the awareness of policymakers about the impact of animal agriculture and the benefits of moving towards plant-based organic farming.
- Promote plant-based organic agriculture as one of the solutions to combat the climate crisis.
- Discuss and gather support for policies favouring this type of agriculture.
- Share knowledge and learn from plant-based and organic farming pioneers, and demonstrate that this is economically viable for farmers.
- Show the opportunities that plant-based organic offers to food manufacturers and retailers.
This event was organized by Safe Food Advocacy Europe with support from several of its members and the LIFE Programme (see below).

This event is financially supported by the LIFE programme of the European Commission under the Agreement No. LIFE19 NGO/FPA/BE000033. Contents and opinions expressed on this website do not reflect the official opinion of the European Union and are the sole responsibility of Safe Food Advocacy Europe and its partners.