FEASTS General Assembly | Amsterdam 2025
21 February 2025

On 18 February 2025, the FEASTS annual General Assembly convened in Amsterdam, bringing consortium members together to review the first year of activity of this project in the field of cultured meat and seafood (CM/CSF). To mark this occasion, a hybrid webinar was organised to present the project’s preliminary results and engage in discussions with stakeholders. The session was moderated by our deputy director, Luigi Tozzi. Our Secretary General Floriana Cimmarusti attended the event, too.
The aim of this project is to develop of a comprehensive knowledge base on cultured meat and seafood, covering technology and innovation, economics, business models and value chains, but also sustainability and health impacts, social impact, ethical considerations and regulation.
FEASTS was honored to have key speakers, such as Sabine Pelsser, Head of Unit of DG SANTE E.2; Dr. Ermolaos Ververis, from the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA); and Maurizio Ferri, from Fédération Vétérinaire Européenne – FVE. The exchange also benefited from the participation of stakeholders who brought diverse perspectives to the table. Paolo Patruno (CLITRAVI), Laura Serpilli (VEGANOK ITALY), Claire Ogley (The Vegan Society UK), Claire Martin (COPA COGECA), Paolo Di Stefano (Eat Europe), Fabrizio Fabbri (EUROCOOP Camini), and Els Bedert (EuroCommerce) shared their views and expectations on cultured meat.