Discover Preventia’s Newsletter
11 July 2024
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SAFE launched the Newsletter for Preventia, or “NCDs prevention and health promotion through training, networking and awareness-raising across the EU – EUPr3ventNCDs“, a EU4Health-funded project. Preventia aims at decreasing the spreading of NCDs across the EU, promoting healthy eating and reducing health inequalities across the continent.
By registering to the Newsletter, you will stay ahead with the latest studies, news, events, and EU regulatory updates on NCDs, nutrition, and health.
Check out the first issue of the Newsletter below.
EU Agriculture Ministers back European Commission’s vision on agrifood
Commissioners Jessika Roswall and Christophe Hansen visiting a farm This week, European ministers of agriculture…
Study finds sugary soft drinks linked to rising oral cancer rates in women
FoodIngredients presented a study from the University of Washington that examined the link between sugary…
Spain passes comprehensive food waste law
On Thursday, Spanish Parliament passed a comprehensive food waste reduction law which will require supermarkets…
Study finds ‘Western diet’ during pregnancy linked to ADHD in children
A new peer reviewed study from The Danish Children’s Asthma Center at Herlev and Gentofte…
Microplastics threaten crop photosynthesis and global food security, study reveals
As reported by Packaging Insights, research has found that microplastics can damage plants by blocking…
SAFE releases a report on food donation in the EU, highlighting barriers and opportunities
According to the 2024 Eurostat data, in the European Union (EU) over 59 million tons…