A platform is launched in France to inform the public and call for action on the exposure to pesticides

25 February 2025

An interactive platform launched by 4 NGOs and two private companies is now online to inform the public and demand measures against pesticide exposure in France, under the name “Tous exposés“. The data show a high cumulation of pesticides on French soils and watersheds. The platform provides scientific knowledge on chemical pesticides, summarising recent reports and studies to detail exposure sources and associated health and environmental risks. 

The four environmental associations are: Générations futures, Secrets toxiques, Noé, and On est prêt. Companies Maison de la bio and Ecotone support this tool, which provides updated information on pollution levels and an interactive map, allowing users to see their pesticide exposure based on their postal code.

Générations futures has warned that both farmers and citizens are exposed to chemical pesticides, Ouest France reports.

The tool includes a petition to the French minister of Health, Yannick Neuder, to ask him for action to incorporate non-exposure to chemical pesticides into future national food strategies and passing a law to achieve 12% organic product consumption by 2030.